Elite Pushing Unhealthy, Dehumanizing, EV Industry Down Humanity's Throat Using Their Tried & True Slavery Operations
Forget politics, skin color, sex, race, wealth status, none of it, anyone who supports this is completely detached from humanity.
The global power structure thinks nothing of these people & couldn’t care less about the children whose lives are destroyed by this barbaric slavery…yes, slavery. Children have no say & are forced under threat of physical violence or worse - that’s the very definition of slavery.
Click HERE to see video on X.
It is irrelevant what color the slave master is. It’s a symbiotic relationship, the slave masters have sold out their humanity & their children for barely enough to live a horrible life, to powerful, wealthy elite mobsters that sit fat & happy on trillions of wealth, accumulated over generations of exploiting humanity all across the planet. This is just one of many iterations of the power structure that rules over all of us.
Get over any bias you may have over skin color. While the people responsible for this are largely white, it is unfair and unproductive to attribute it to whiteness. No, it is a powerful ruling class of elite psychopaths that have been robbing, looting, killing, abusing, ritually sacrificing all people from all corners of the earth, all races, for generations.
And who do you think these rich, evil white oppressors are making deals with to get access to these mines and the people that work for next to nothing to extract its value? Get it? They're not white. They install puppet "leaders" in these countries, or buy off existing leaders, for nothing compared to the value of what they are extracting from these countries. Evil and corruption comes in all colors, so stop making it about race.
But the useful idiots on the left just can't help themselves, they themselves are either completely oblivious, or at higher levels following orders from their bosses to continue to spread this vile, evil race-baiting propaganda. That's why you can't get through to them, they know they're lying. They do it to further the agenda, it has nothing to do with what is right or truthful.
At some point, those out there that are not completely mind-f'd beyond recovery, humanity needs to unite on this issue. We are all being oppressed at some level & they are planning to wipe out most of us if we don’t stop them. They use our differences to divide us, so we fight amongst ourselves, while they run off with all the loot. It’s a very successful operating system, they’ve been using it against humanity for hundreds of years if not longer.
And they will continue to get away with it as long as we continue to focus on superficialities like race or sex. There is only good versus evil, & you are either on one side or the other.
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