We Are Entering The Time Of The Warrior

All throughout history men have been called upon to rise to the moment demanded, when charging enemies are approaching the city walls. While our cities are no longer required to be protected by giant, impenetrable walls, the enemies are still charging.

We are coming to the end of an age that can only be described as a time of great peace and abundance.

Yes, evil never stops advancing around the world, and America's men have been called on to fight battles on foreign shores. But the citizens of America have known great peace within our borders, so much so that it has shaped our culture and to a certain degree even shaped our men. And that's not necessarily a good thing. We all see it, we are moving from the "strong men create good times" to the "weak men create hard times" time in our history.

In this era of good times, men have become soft, docile, weak, compliant, bowing to authority, to their wives, to the system. There is a streak of wildness that we have lost connection to, and if we don't do something about that soon, it could cost us everything.

In my younger days I went through a period were I felt that disconnection. Like there was something raw and primitive inside of me that had been shackled & neutralized. I could feel it somewhere in there, I just couldn't connect to it, and I was a lesser man because of that. I started reading books about man psychology, masculine archetypes, and went on a relentless pursuit, you could call it an obsession, to find and fix what I felt was wrong inside of me.

I didn't know how or why that part of me had been effectively suppressed, I just knew that it had. I read books like "Iron John" by Robert Bly, "Fire In The Belly" by Sam Keen, and "King Warrior Magician Lover" by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette. After a couple years of working with material like that, and working with other men that were on the same pursuit, I emerged a different person. Less fearful, more confrontational, comfortable in my own skin. Not every man will need to go through this journey, but if you feel shut off from this source of power and energy, it might be a trip worth taking. I've added links to these 3 books below.

Iron John

Fire in the Belly

King Warrior Magician Lover

It's important to bring this up because those archetypes are there in all of us, they've just been suppressed by a number of factors. We live in a system that is designed to keep us weak, stunted, fearful. Our overlords wouldn't have it any other way. By a public education system, transformed with Rockefeller money, to mirror a system developed in Germany, click HERE to read up on that, that had produced a more docile and compliant adult. This is all by design.

That was a hundred years ago, and you can see the decline of the strong masculine warrior with each passing generation. I am a shell of the man my father was, and he a shell of his father. 

There are two points to bring up here. First, we must understand that it was all done by design, by a ruthless control system that is hellbent on dominating and destroying most of humanity. And second, we are approaching a period of history where the strong warrior is going to be essential if we are to survive what comes next.

You've probably all seen the short video from the early 60s that has gone around on social media, showing young high school men engaged in physical education exercise. They were all very lean, very tone and very fit. they could go right to the front lines of a conflict and be prepared for battle. Click the link below if you haven't seen it.

Click HERE to watch video. 

Collectively speaking we are not those men, not even close. Sure, there are a few that may reflect those strong traits, those in organized sports, or those involved in early military training. But I'm talking about the general masses, the majority of American men. You've seen them, lurking, head down, pale, almost sickly, uncertain, basically lost. Or none of that, but certainly not exuding a strong masculine presence.

I don't want to spend too much time on trying to describe the plight of the modern American man, the point is, that every man needs to wake up and realize that there may come a point in his life, possibly very soon, where he will need to defend himself against an aggressor that wants to kill him. I don't know how to say it any clearer. The battle to save America is coming to our shores and every able bodied man is going to need to fight in this battle.

Let's take a look at the gathering threats shall we.

Foreign Invaders Camouflaged is Migrants

First, our traitorous, evil, disgusting government has opened a pipeline of foreign military age men from all around the world to infiltrate our communities. These men are being trained for combat before they arrive. They are being financed and armed by that same government using our tax dollars. They have been embedded in our communities all across the country. They report to the C I A or the F B I.

And no, this didn't just start under Biden, it became operational under Obama. That's 16 years of infiltration. Sure, Trump may have slowed some of it down for 4 of those years, but they have been going full throttle since Biden took office and have created a super highway of migrants from South America up into the US. If you've seen any of the reporting from Muckraker.com it's an eye opener.

And the point is, these cells are being set up all across America and when they are given the signal, they will activate. They will be an army of literally millions, I'd say at least 10 million at this point, of fighting aged radicalized foreign men coming for you and me in our neighborhoods. The military will not come to your rescue. If you need proof of that just look at our governments response to the recent hurricane they unleashed on North Carolina. This is warfare, and nobody is coming to save us. We must save ourselves.

That's right, hand to hand combat in the city streets in America. And also consider this, if Americans appear to be winning this conflict at any point, our very own government will step in to help the armed insurgents. That's right, all of these foreign troops coming in are working for and on behalf of our government. They will supply them with weapons, logistics, resources, everything they need to fight this gorilla warfare in our streets. So, in effect we will be fighting our own government.

The Coming Civil War

It's hard to know the exact timing of this, or any of these growing threats, but nonetheless, they are there and will become a threat to America's safety and survival at some point. Trust me, our satanic overlords have this all war-gamed out. They're organizing the pieces on the chessboard and initiating events to continue to move us in that direction.

Sadly, their demonization propaganda has been very effective and has us inching closer and closer to armed conflict between races. It's horrible and completely avoidable, but the average minority has been fed a steady diet of anti-white propaganda since birth. Many have been completely mind controlled through psychological warfare and when the conflict kicks off they will come charging. 

I wrote about this years ago, once the power is shut off and the shelves in the stores are empty, every inner city in America is going to be headed to the suburbs for some vigilante justice and a helping of reparations. This is real folks, it's coming, the city streets will be running red with blood.

You can read all about our radicals in government plan to weaponize the black community to bring down America in the publication from 1969 entitled "You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows" penned by Obama's buddy Bill Ayers and his commie accomplices of The Weather Underground. Click the book title to be taken to the document. Read it for yourself.

Remember the riots of 2020? Those were mostly contained within the inner cities. It was highly organized and coordinated at the top by the C I A. But do you also remember when they did some probing into the suburbs? Those were reconnaissance missions, probing to see what sort of reaction they would get. Could they just overrun with no resistance, or would they have to fight the citizens of those communities? Well, they found out and were completely either run out of those communities quickly or met with an army of neighbors at the edges of their communities armed and ready to fight.

That was a beta test, and you can bet that information has been fed back into the system and when their plan goes operational they will be prepared for that same resistance, only this time they will engage and it will be a bloody battle to the death.

Foreign Militaries Like China, Iran, Russia

I know, I know, every blade of grass, blah blah blah. While that may be true, and we do represent a formidable force, remember the point above, we're going to be weakened by fighting an already existing army of invaders within our borders. China knows military strategy. They might sit back and allow us to deplete ourselves to the point of exhaustion before they try anything. But do not scoff at the idea of foreign ships charging our shores full of fighting age soldiers that have been in military training to kill Americans their entire lives.

China has been preparing for war with America for decades. They want this land, and if they are successful they will kill every American, man, woman and child. Just like the old days when invading armies where ruthless and knew that if you allowed any survivors, they could grow someday to be a force against them. It was all out warfare, scorched earth, biblical annihilation.

And this may come as a surprise, but our Western shores are wide open to them. Gavin Newsom is a Chinese agent and he will roll out the red carpet when the ships arrive. So, the Chinese army basically already has an open beachhead to land on. There will be no D-day in California, Oregon or Washington. they've already been conquered and are just waiting for the ships to arrive.

Sure, they may attempt to respond in a way that can give them plausible deniability, or just surrender and gaslight everyone that it's the only way to avoid nuclear Armageddon, or that China has agreed not to advance any further into the mainland. Seriously, they're really good liars, and sadly a great deal of the population will believe whatever they say. Once China has a forward operating base it will be city by city, street by street, armed combat from sea to shining sea.

Any normie reading this by now has rolled over on the floor laughing hysterically at how absurd all of this is. But if that's you, you're an idiot, and when s.h.t.f. you're going to be cannon fodder.

Our Own Military, Law Enforcement, National Guard etc

Yes, I know how absurd this may sound to the average normie, on both sides of the aisle. I also know that there are many hardened soldiers that will fight to defend America and its citizens to the death. So, I'm not saying that every rank and file soldier is going to be coming for us. But I am saying that the military, and all of its advanced technology capabilities will be weaponized against us. And most local law enforcement, especially in the big cities, will not be there to protect us. They're in on the agenda.

For example, they are building millions of small drones that might already be sitting in a warehouse, preprogrammed with your address to come and deliver either explosives or deadly bio-weapons. That technology exists.

They may unleash Directed Energy Weapons on communities that they see pose a threat, similar to what they have already done in California a few years ago, and Lahaina just last year.

They may unleash weather weapons on us as they just did in North Carolina to capture land that is full of minerals they want. Their blood lust has no limits, and have no illusions these operations are run by our military. Who do you think is running all the chemtrail warfare operations over American cities? Yep, our military.

They're building armies of robots, small and big, ready to be turned loose on the American citizenry. Many already exist, most likely warehouses full of them. Remember that scene form I-Robot? Just standing there waiting for their orders. Unthinking, unfeeling, killing machines.

And don't forget the robot dogs. Some may scoff and laugh at this, but if you want a glimpse of this fresh hell watch the episode below from the Netflix series Black Mirror.

They openly tell us so much, but because it's considered entertainment most pay little attention to it. But the little b*stard shown above is a relentless machine, programmed to kill, with next level tracking of whatever target has been initiated in its little computer brain.

So, men, I call on you to rise to the moment in history that we are rapidly approaching. The time for fun and games is over. It is a time for preparation, and that includes making yourself as strong and hard to kill as possible. Your families and communities will depend on it. This is not some far out in the distance future scenario. It is at our doorstep. I don't know the exact day obviously, our overlords telegraph what they're going to do, they just don't tell us when. 

But from reading all of the data points since Obama, through Trump, and then especially during the Biden admin, they are gaining momentum and it could come any day. Some of it is happening now. We are living under siege warfare, and have been for years. All of the disasters that have occurred have been intentionally weakening our systems of survival. They are already targeting citizens for elimination as they have done in Lahaina and North Carolina. Whatever happened to the busloads of missing children? 

So, we are in a sense already on a war footing, it just hasn't gone hot yet. So realign priorities and carve out time to prepare in every way possible. We must find that strength that our ancestors had to fight the many wars of history that all of us are connected to through our heritage. We've just been cut off from it, intentionally. It's time to reconnect. God created men for a reason. We are the defenders, the protectors, the providers. F*ck all that C I A women's lib crap, that was designed to weaken the family unit and divide men from women. Reject it all.

Most, if not all, of what comes through any mainstream outlet, news, music, entertainment, sports, has been designed to weaken humanity so that we could be conquered. Well, we're just about there, and if we wake up fast enough, prepare hard enough, we may have a fighting chance.

One last thing. Here's why they think we're already conquered, just one of many data points that they implement, study, and use to their advantage. From the publication "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars."

We're rapidly approaching "harvest time," their words, not mine.

That's it and that's all. They have had their boot on our throats for a long time, and we have done very little to fight back. So, they think that we are a conquered people, and it's easy to see why.

But what happens when the Empire actually does strike? We shall see. 

Like I always say, 1 - I hope I'm wrong, and 2 - Prepare accordingly.
