It's The End Of The World As We Know It - Part I

Too harsh? I don't think so.

Earlier this year, when the Corona Virus hit the US I immediately saw it for what it was - an enemy assault on America, on purpose, by design, and immediately began telling anyone that would listen, sometimes whether they wanted to or not that:


That's it and that's all, it's here. All of us truthers have been researching, analyzing, studying, and arriving at conclusions as to what is happening and what the New World Order cabal has planned for us. We've read the books, watched the videos, logged hundreds if not thousands of hours reading and listening to their own words of what they intend to unleash upon humanity. 

The exact timing has been in question at times, but there's no denying that 2020 has been on their calendars for a long long time. Well, here we are, and it started with a bang. Up until this year I thought that they were behind schedule, especially with Trump having thrown a wrench into the works since 2016. But, I have to hand it to them, they are a determined bunch of psychopaths, and they unleashed the bio weapon right on schedule regardless.

Some may think this was all recently cooked up as a response to Trump. While it does serve their agenda to weaken him, I believe this would have been unleashed no matter who was in the White House, the only difference may be the exact timing. The Globalists are in the process of capturing humanity, and they knew a bio weapon would facilitate that process. The rhetoric coming out of the media and the Left might sound a little different if Hillary were in office, and they'd be talking about how they've saved humanity from even greater damage as a result of their brilliance. All lies of course.

But this thing would have still been released, and the George Floyd false flag would have also been released. This is an operating system that has worked countless times in other countries for a long long time. It has taken them a few decades to set the stage, but you can read about the plans to use the black community to divide America and implement Communism all the way back to the 30's or so. 

Then there's the Weather Underground Manifesto from 1969 that I did a brief write up on back in 2010 that you can read  HERE  that further explains how the radical left intends to use the black community to divide and conquer America. It's a diabolical plan alright, but we're witnessing the roll out of this plan - 50 years in the making - right now with the BLM movement.

 Again, well documented, nothing new, they've just been planning, building their army, softening up the culture, laying the ground work. We are witnessing the roll out right now and it's most likely going to continue and become increasingly more violent and more dire as the lock downs continue to weaken our economy.

I also contend that since they have lurched their schedule back on track with the release of Covid and the follow up with Antifa and BLM, they are signaling that they are following their schedule whether we are ready or not. They've made the calculation, so brace yourselves for what is coming next.

And what might that be? Well, by 2030, if they stay on track, they will have rounded everyone up into the main population centers. Dissenters will be taken to re-education camps and remain prisoners or be executed. The remaining population will live in coffin sized apartments, sharing common areas with people they don't know. Autonomous vehicles will be outlawed, only driverless cars that will shuttle you around in a vehicle you will never own and never be able to control.

Agenda 2030 will be fully implemented. That's in 10 years folks. That's why last year AOC and Beto were screaming that we only had 12 or 11 years left for life on earth. They are predictive programming you to be a prisoner by 2030. All in the name of saving the environment.

There's more but that paints a fairly accurate picture of what's in store for us if we don't rise up and destroy the monsters controlling all this. As they said in their declaration of war against humanity in 1954, they are in open warfare against us. It is therefore our right, our duty and our obligation to rise up and declare our war against them and respond accordingly. They will never, ever, relent until they are completely destroyed.

The good old days are over. We've lived off the fumes of those who came before us and built this great country. We will lose it in the coming next few years if we are not willing to sacrifice our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor as or Founding Fathers did so that we could live as free men and women.

None of this is an exaggeration. It's here. It's now. And it's not going away until we make them go away, and there's only one way to do that. 

May God bless us and protect us as we enter this un-chartered period in America's and humanity's history.
