Monday January 20th Facebook must have turned on one of their suppression algorithms and my website traffic on my Political Madness Facebook page, where I have over 10,000 followers, went from average reach per post of about 1,500 all the way down to less than 50.
That's right, 50. Of the 50 or so people that see my post on my Facebook page, I might get one or two interactions (Likes, Comments or Shares).
That's it. I'm done. I've been silenced.
I suspect that many other right leaning, conservative oriented pages and people experienced a similar affect to their page. I know I am not alone.
This is open tyranny. I don't really know how to fight it. We've allowed Big Tech to become monopolistic giants, something that American business rules were not supposed to allow.
But those days are over, it's now all about consolidation. Mergers are all the rage, and they always tell us how good it will be for consumers. Prices will come down, economies of scale and all that. Blah, blah, blah. That's a lie. Big Business has gotten full control of Big Gov and they are conspiring to the detriment of the American people.
You and I are being sold out in every way. We're losing our jobs (Trump has reversed that temporarily), we're losing our privacy, and we're losing our voice in the public square. All by design.
This is Globalism folks. This is the UN Agenda. This is what happens when both political parties are controlled by foreign interests, not American. Trump is trying to rebalance some of this but he's basically spitting in a rain storm, it's hardly noticeable and will be quickly reversed once the Deep State finally removes him from office one way or another.
I don't see how this gets fixed. Who is the next Trump? I don't see that person out there. Trump has had 3 years to address this and he's only given it lip service. He's not fixing it. So, where does that leave us? Marching toward disaster, that's where.
I don't know about any of you reading this, but I'm ready for action.
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