My caveat with all of that is based on the lay of the land at the time. My best assessment of the rules of engagement at the time, of cause and effect issues that I am witnessing and processing at the time.
It wasn't looking good and I've been very concerned. While things can change on a dime, I am as of right now signaling that we may have entered a new phase of Trump's political warfare against the Deep State cabal.
Yes, this could be it. We all know what a fighter Trump has been, but I have been frustrated at the lack of results with regard to going after the criminals. But with the break out of the Ukraine scandal things look different. Trump has set the trap and appears to be preparing to reel them in.
I came across a tweet that might explain what we've been watching the last almost 3 years. Trump has been very patient, very deliberate, laying the ground work, setting the traps in place so that when he makes his move he has a high chance of success. This tweet says it all:
Is Trump about to strike? It sure looks that way.
Watching him react to fake news reporters asinine questions about Biden, or his attack on Shifty Schiff are reminiscent of the 2016 election cycle. Remember that? One by one he lined up his opponents and at just the right strategic moment dropped a bombshell that blew them out of the race.
It was masterful. Jeb, making his move, going after Trump and BAM - Trump says maybe we should release the 28 pages from the 9/11 Commission report. Next day Jeb is gone. Cruz, making his move, and BAM - Trump says maybe they should look into the pictures of Ted's dad seen with Lee Harvey Oswald back before the JFK assassination. Next day Cruz drops out of the race.
Trump knows where all the bodies are buried and he's been laying the ground work. I think these recent responses to his adversaries signal that he is moving into the next phase of his plan. He's waited patiently for the election cycle to heat up, when all eyes are watching, and one by one I would expect to see him line them up, expose something about their horrifically criminal past and BAM, they will be exposed.
By the time we get to November 2020 Trump will either be assassinated or impeached, or the Democrat Party will be completely dismantled and exposed for the worldwide anti-American criminal cartel that it is. And the beauty is all of America will be watching.
Now, they will have their counter moves so he may not pull it off, but if he keeps moving in the direction and actually starts going after the criminals, he's going to be re-elected in 2020 and will then hopefully do everything that we expected him to do from day one.
So, get your popcorn ready, it's going to be a wild ride.
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