I’m sure we’ve all heard enough commentary about who the winner & loser was from the big showdown last week on the government shut down. Most of what we heard, no let me correct that, the entire media establishment resoundingly anointed Nancy Pelosi as the winner. She owned him, he looked small and powerless, and on and on.
The usual nonstop, gaslighting, media propaganda was decidedly one sided, as usual. The Democrats are winners and the Republicans are losers. That should have come as no surprise to anyone. You all should know by now that it has nothing to do with facts or reality. It’s always about framing the narrative to advance the Globalist agenda. Every major media outlet, including Fox News, is dedicated to this singular purpose, all day, every day. Why then do even Republicans and Conservatives continue to fall for it? I don’t have an answer for that.
What has surprised my though about this is the same sort of myopic viewpoint coming from the usually reliably on point alternative media. The two most surprising to me were Michael Savage and Alex Jones. I know Savage has been pretty critical of Trump for a while now, and this latest episode has just added fuel to his fire. What I don’t get is the lack of depth of both of their responses. Trump lost, he’s weak, we should be outraged. That’s it and that’s all.
While they may be right, here’s my perspective:
The Democrats as usual hatched a plan to drive the media story last week and the upcoming week, the two weeks leading up to one of the most significant cultural events in America (unfortunately), The Super Bowl. I connected the dots immediately, TSA employees were beginning to no show at work. That, added with the already strained resources from the effects of the shut down created instant buzz in the media, and they were hyping it for all it was worth.
Now picture Nancy Pelosi and her band of Globalist criminals, including the media, drooling over the chance to beat Trump over the head every single day about the damage the shut down was doing to this iconic American event. Imagine people being interviewed and describing how horrible it was to try and get to the event they had spent thousands on, their once in a lifetime chance to attend the most American thing in America. Imagine the empty seats the day of the big event, the broadcasters pouring fuel on the growing fire of negative rhetoric bombarding the largest audience of television viewers in American history.
It was a potential political Waterloo and the Democrats must have been giddy with excitement over the chance to destroy Trump with it. I’m sure they had a plan and the no show TSA employees move was just the beginning.
Imagine all of that if you will. Now imagine a President smart enough to figure all that out, plan a counter move and cut them down before they had a chance to do any more political damage.
Trump is smart, and he’s tactical. Let the pundits wring their hands and criticize Trump as a big failure, they’re going to do that anyway! He counter moved the Democrats and will wait out the next three weeks with no real fallout compared to the narrative the Democrats were working on.
Maybe I’m wrong, and we’ll find out in a few weeks, but I think in the end Trump comes out ahead on this one, he will get the wall and America will get to enjoy the Super Bowl without the disruptions the Democrats had planned.
Please support www.thepoliticalmadness.com by spreading this and other articles. Humanity is waking up and we must do everything we can while we still have a voice.
The usual nonstop, gaslighting, media propaganda was decidedly one sided, as usual. The Democrats are winners and the Republicans are losers. That should have come as no surprise to anyone. You all should know by now that it has nothing to do with facts or reality. It’s always about framing the narrative to advance the Globalist agenda. Every major media outlet, including Fox News, is dedicated to this singular purpose, all day, every day. Why then do even Republicans and Conservatives continue to fall for it? I don’t have an answer for that.
What has surprised my though about this is the same sort of myopic viewpoint coming from the usually reliably on point alternative media. The two most surprising to me were Michael Savage and Alex Jones. I know Savage has been pretty critical of Trump for a while now, and this latest episode has just added fuel to his fire. What I don’t get is the lack of depth of both of their responses. Trump lost, he’s weak, we should be outraged. That’s it and that’s all.
While they may be right, here’s my perspective:
The Democrats as usual hatched a plan to drive the media story last week and the upcoming week, the two weeks leading up to one of the most significant cultural events in America (unfortunately), The Super Bowl. I connected the dots immediately, TSA employees were beginning to no show at work. That, added with the already strained resources from the effects of the shut down created instant buzz in the media, and they were hyping it for all it was worth.
Now picture Nancy Pelosi and her band of Globalist criminals, including the media, drooling over the chance to beat Trump over the head every single day about the damage the shut down was doing to this iconic American event. Imagine people being interviewed and describing how horrible it was to try and get to the event they had spent thousands on, their once in a lifetime chance to attend the most American thing in America. Imagine the empty seats the day of the big event, the broadcasters pouring fuel on the growing fire of negative rhetoric bombarding the largest audience of television viewers in American history.
It was a potential political Waterloo and the Democrats must have been giddy with excitement over the chance to destroy Trump with it. I’m sure they had a plan and the no show TSA employees move was just the beginning.
Imagine all of that if you will. Now imagine a President smart enough to figure all that out, plan a counter move and cut them down before they had a chance to do any more political damage.
Trump is smart, and he’s tactical. Let the pundits wring their hands and criticize Trump as a big failure, they’re going to do that anyway! He counter moved the Democrats and will wait out the next three weeks with no real fallout compared to the narrative the Democrats were working on.
Maybe I’m wrong, and we’ll find out in a few weeks, but I think in the end Trump comes out ahead on this one, he will get the wall and America will get to enjoy the Super Bowl without the disruptions the Democrats had planned.
Please support www.thepoliticalmadness.com by spreading this and other articles. Humanity is waking up and we must do everything we can while we still have a voice.
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