VIDEO: Jones And Stone Warn Trump Of Impending Disaster

The video below may not sit well with many, but as thinking Patriots we must be ever vigilant and skeptical of all players & circumstances presented to us as we do our best to filter out the propaganda and get to the best version of the truth that is out there.

I still support Alex Jones, despite the attacks from Qanon. I'm not saying I blindly believe everything he says, I do not. I don't blindly believe anything that anyone says, and neither should you.

Click here for the full article and videos.

I read Q's posts and am hopeful that he is for real. I am also a realist and realize the criminals we are up against have the most sophisticated intelligence, weapons & psychological warfare weapons ever perceived and perpetrated onto humanity. So I recognize they are capable of creating the Q phenomenon. Trump is surrounded by traitors and infiltrators that could very easily be in his inner circle, so it's not a complete reach to think Q is a clever propaganda operation.

With that said, back to Alex Jones. I also recognize that he may be everything that Q says. I've read that a sign of intelligence is having the ability to hold two opposing thoughts in your mind at the same time. That is the calculus here with Q and Jones. The amount of quality intel Jones produces on a daily basis is unquestionable. That he has to push supplements and make money does not make him a phony, money is part of the equation of life and survival. It's near impossible to devote much time to fighting this incredible information war on a part time basis while we work our asses off to support our families. If I could earn a living fighting the globalists I would do it in a heartbeat. The fact is we all need money to survive, period. So Q's argument in that regard is weak to me. But we must all decide for ourselves.

The reason I go through all this as a set up is because the subject of this article is controversial and may require one to hold two opposing thoughts at the same time.

First, I love Trump. Not because he's Trump, but because he has been reliable and delivered on promises he made during his campaign. And they were promises that no other politician would even dare to make. He proved his words are not just rhetoric and he has earned my confidence...

However...and here's the rub. He has so much power as the Commander In Chief and it seems as though he is completely feckless to use it effectively in key areas. My frustration has been growing over the last couple months. Where are the arrests, where is the bare knuckle brawler that we elected? When is he going to make a move on the criminal cartel? Why does it appear that he is obfuscating on the main reason we elected him in the first place?

We overwhelmingly elected Trump because we have had enough of the lawlessness in DC. We know they're disgusting criminals, we're sick and tired of watching them peacock around every single day rubbing our noses in it. We're disgusted, fed up, at-our-wits-end watching it play out under our noses every day with the feeling that there is virtually NOTHING I as an individual citizen can do about it.

It's absolute insanity and it is only the incredible civility and restraint of us patriots that is keeping these bastards alive. They have all committed hangable crimes against the people of this country. They're monsters. We're done. We're ready for the hangings. And if they don't come there's going to be hell to pay, because the good and decent people of this country have just about had it.

...Or maybe it's just me that's angry and fed up. I don't think so, but I suppose it's possible. I see the anger, the frustration, the futility every day when I engage with like minded patriots. We're done, it's time for justice and we elected Trump to deliver that justice in a legal and lawful way on behalf of the American people.

So, as so often happens Alex Jones seems to verbalize my mindset so well. We're nearing a turning point, a demarcation point, a point at which things will be addressed one way or another. We are reaching a point were Trump needs to act or they're going to succeed at destroying him, and if that happens we all know what that will look like, the end of America and a thousand years of darkness. Think I'm exaggerating? Well then maybe you're not sufficiently awake yet.

I am fully awake, and I'm ready for the fight. There is a primal mechanism that drives me and my instinct tells me that there are times when sacrifices are necessary for the greater good, for family, community, humanity. I am ready and will do whatever is necessary when called upon to do my part to help end this global nightmare of tyranny, as small and rapidly aging as I am. I don't care, whatever I have to give I will willingly give it all to the cause of freedom and liberty.

To wrap this up, I love Trump and his family and hope that he and they are everything they have presented us to be. But, time is running out and I follow no man, I follow principle and ideals and it's time for Trump to stand on the principles and ideals that got him elected and show us that he is for real, that he is ready to give his all to win this fight as so many of us are, we're just waiting for the call.

Because of this Trump is losing me a little. I will follow words for only so long and there comes a time to put up or shut up and we're just about there. So if he's playing some 3D chess thing and needs to string this out, well, time will tell if he will be able to continue to rally the support of those of us that elected him.

I will finish with this however. I'm reminded of something Jerome Corsi said early in Trump's presidency. Corsi has know Trump for decades so apparently knows him very well. It was something to the effect that "Trump always looks like he's losing, until he wins." Maybe that is where we are and he's masterfully working the plan, I sure hope and pray this to be.

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