Cry Baby CNNers Whine About Being Bullied By ‘Cruel’ Trump Supporters

While this sounds like your typical left-wing (and token Never Trumper) Trump bashing, something caught my attention that might be worth keeping an eye on.

Click here for video

Remember, the media is engaged in sophisticated high-tech psychological operations. They know how to manipulate the mind and influence perception and reality. Unfortunately for them, many Americans are awake to this so it doesn't work on them, but it does work on those still in the Matrix believing CNN is actual news.

Here's what I think the intent of this very cleverly crafted psy-op is about:

Alinsky Tactic #13:
"Pick the target, freeze it, polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that should be required as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'"

Everybody reading this is probably already familiar with Alinsky and these tactics, so I won't explain any further. If you are not, a quick google search will get you up to speed on this one. Or Click Here for my ebook, it breaks down all of Alinsky's tactics in a very easy-to-read format.

So who is the target in this particular psy-op? Trump? Nope, Trump voters? Sort of?

Notice the repeated statements clarifying that not ALL Trump supporters are as they are describing in this video. They are singling out the Trump supporters that attend his rallies.

Why does this matter? Think of the effectiveness of their propaganda so far. They've turned anyone that disagrees with them into a Nazi and programmed their zombies that it's ok to "punch a Nazi." It's that simple, wind them up and turn them lose.

This is an attempt to attack one of Trumps best forms of getting his message out there, his rallies. They've lost control of the narrative, they're doing everything they can to distort reality on every news broadcast every day, they're suppressing him on Twitter and that's still not enough. They're now coming after his rallies. Just watch, more violence, more protests, more drama will begin to appear at his rallies. The loyal, brain dead zombies backed by George Soros, will start flocking their way to his rallies and we will begin to see violence similar to what we saw during the 2016 election cycle.

After all, as they REPEATEDLY say in the video, not ALL Trump supporters are fomenting his racist, homophobic, bombastic, aggressive, violent rhetoric, just the supporters that attend his rallies.

Game on folks, we're playing high-tech psychological warfare here. This video is a cannon shot, spread the word, be prepared and don't be fooled by their attempts to manipulate reality.
