"CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian authorities will bar 55,000 unlicensed
clerics from preaching in mosques in the latest move against sympathizers of deposed Islamist President Mohamed Mursi, the minister
of religious endowments said on Tuesday."
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It was just a couple months ago that Eqypt's military acted in its nations interest of self-preservation and acted upon millions of its citizens calls for reform, and to stop dead in its tracks the spreading radicalism being waged by the then President elect Morsi.
The people of Egypt may have elected the radical head of the Muslim Brotherhood into office, but they wasted no time once they became witness to his unilateral actions to turn their country into an Islamic state.
The military wisely stepped in and took control, ousting Morsi, and sending the radical Muslim extremist elements on the run and into hiding. While the MB & other extremists are attempting to fight back, and against the wishes of our Radical-Muslim-Extremist-Sympathizer-In-Chief President Obama, the people of Egypt and its military press forward undeterred, committed to re-establishing the rule of law and a government that is at least somewhat in-line with the civilized world.
In other words, they woke up once they saw what Morsi and his radical minions were trying to accomplish, and the Egyptian military set out to stop it in its tracks.
And this latest action of banning Mosque Preachers is just one more example of how far ahead a country like Eqypt is compared to America when it comes to recognizing and dealing with the enemy of our modern world - Radical Islam. Good for them, not so good for us.
No, here in America we witness the daily madness of the pathologically delusional left as it justifies everything that is bad and wrong in this world, and seeks to destroy any chance of solving any of it. No military intervention for us to depose our radical leader, no media calling the radicals out for their daily destruction of our culture and way of life, no meaningful push back from a progressive Republican Party that has given in to the temptations of power and become an all to willing accomplice to the daily advancements of the radical progressive agenda.
No, instead of banning preachers in mosques we are allowing proponents of radical Islam to erect a monument to their destruction on 9/11/01. Rather than calling the MB a terror group, Obama has invited them into his inner circles and is propping them up every chance he gets both here in America and around the world. No, rather than promote Western values, Judeo-Christian values, they work tirelessly to ban any and all references to Jesus Christ and our Christian God from the public arena, while simultaneously doing everything they can to promote the teachings of Islam.
Sound crazy? Yep, just another day in 'Merica.
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It was just a couple months ago that Eqypt's military acted in its nations interest of self-preservation and acted upon millions of its citizens calls for reform, and to stop dead in its tracks the spreading radicalism being waged by the then President elect Morsi.
The people of Egypt may have elected the radical head of the Muslim Brotherhood into office, but they wasted no time once they became witness to his unilateral actions to turn their country into an Islamic state.
The military wisely stepped in and took control, ousting Morsi, and sending the radical Muslim extremist elements on the run and into hiding. While the MB & other extremists are attempting to fight back, and against the wishes of our Radical-Muslim-Extremist-Sympathizer-In-Chief President Obama, the people of Egypt and its military press forward undeterred, committed to re-establishing the rule of law and a government that is at least somewhat in-line with the civilized world.
In other words, they woke up once they saw what Morsi and his radical minions were trying to accomplish, and the Egyptian military set out to stop it in its tracks.
And this latest action of banning Mosque Preachers is just one more example of how far ahead a country like Eqypt is compared to America when it comes to recognizing and dealing with the enemy of our modern world - Radical Islam. Good for them, not so good for us.
No, here in America we witness the daily madness of the pathologically delusional left as it justifies everything that is bad and wrong in this world, and seeks to destroy any chance of solving any of it. No military intervention for us to depose our radical leader, no media calling the radicals out for their daily destruction of our culture and way of life, no meaningful push back from a progressive Republican Party that has given in to the temptations of power and become an all to willing accomplice to the daily advancements of the radical progressive agenda.
No, instead of banning preachers in mosques we are allowing proponents of radical Islam to erect a monument to their destruction on 9/11/01. Rather than calling the MB a terror group, Obama has invited them into his inner circles and is propping them up every chance he gets both here in America and around the world. No, rather than promote Western values, Judeo-Christian values, they work tirelessly to ban any and all references to Jesus Christ and our Christian God from the public arena, while simultaneously doing everything they can to promote the teachings of Islam.
Sound crazy? Yep, just another day in 'Merica.
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