Search Results Show Proof of Google Censorship

I recently re-launched my Political Madness website, I've been posting to my Facebook and Twitter pages of the same name with some results but not much given the number of followers that I have on each. Not a surprise given the level of #ShadowBanning that these Social Media giants are engaged in.

But I'm committed to the fight and believe that at some point the 1st Amendment is going to win and these mega-giants will have a day of reckoning, one way or another. So I will continue to post and do everything I can on those platforms to connect with other like-minded people.

Now, to the point of this article. Yes, we all know that Google is also engaged in censorship of Conservative voices. I never use them as a search engine anymore, doing most of my research through DuckDuckGo.

I just did a side by side by side comparison of Google, DuckDuckGo & Bing using the search term "Political Madness", thinking that it should return my website of the same name somewhere near the top. Take a look at the image below:

Google - No sign of Political Madness site on the first page, and one mention of my Twitter page 7 items down.

DuckDuckGo - 2 of the top 5 and 2 mentions of my Twitter page on the first page.

Bing - The top 3,and 4 of the top 5.

Yes, shadowbanning is real, results don't lie...but I suppose some will just call it a coincidence, like all those other coincidences that seem to be happening every single day on a regular basis, right under our noses.
