Panthers’ Eric Reid Confronts Eagles’ Malcolm Jenkins, Calls Him a ‘Sellout’ & ‘Neo-Colonialist’ For Not Kneeling During Anthem

Please, please keep up the protests, the supposed righteous indignation of all this country has robbed of you and "your people", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. My people are Americans and we see exactly what this globalist led charade is meant to do - further divide an already divided nation.

Click here for article

Obama spent 8 years attacking us with his divisive strategy every single day. The bullhorn cartel media gaslight's us every day with divisive rhetoric. It's all a plan, part of the program and it's definitely having an effect.

But, as long as these overpaid social justice warrior fake victim cry babies keep this up I can only think it is helping our cause, not theirs. They don't see the irony in their words and actions. The greatest nation on earth pays them millions of dollars to play a game. Teachers don't get that. Rocket scientists don't get that. The military doesn't get that.

So, please keep it up and the ratings of the NFL will continue to decline. I'm ready to see the entire League fold, crumble to the ground. Sorry Jerry Jones, Robert Kraft, et al., you've all had a good run but your 501c3 tax exempt politically bought and paid for status has gone too far.

Take a look at the accumulated wealth of the League's owners here. They pay zero income taxes AND most of their stadiums were paid for by you - the American tax payer. That's not Capitalism folks.

It's time for the implosion, the empty seats, the dropping ticket process, the who cares anymore, to kick in. Forget the super bowl, it's a bunch of overpaid brats playing a game of simulated warfare. A game. Nothing more. We've taken it too far as a culture and it's time to reel it back in a little. Time to remember what real drama and sacrifice is about. Real winning and losing. It isn't on a ball field. That's the Matrix.

Let it go folks, turn it off, your country and culture need you to wake up from your trance of over- celebration, simulated warfare and fake tribalism and see the NFL for what it really is and was. A distraction, bread and circus to keep you from paying attention. Time to let it go. I sure have.

#BoycottNFL must be heard and felt like a hammer over the heads of the League. Enough is enough, we've given them too much power. Time to take it away.
